Saturday, 9 March 2013

Top 14 Replies to "I Love You"

Hello, welcome to Wash Of Life's Blog...

I have an issue to talk about.. Yeah it's about replies to "I Love You".

Anytime someone tells you they love you, you may be tempted to reply, "I LOVE YOU TOO" or feeling like not to reply with "I LOVE YOU TOO" But what if you're not ready to return the sentiment or you think saying "I love you too" is just too boring. Here is a prepared list of more original responses that  can be used to express your feelings when someone tells you "I LOVE YOU".

1. Cool story, bro
2. That makes two of us!
3. Most people do.
4. Good!
5. Wow! Really?
6. So do I!
7. It sounds funny.
8. That's nice.
9. You kidding, right?
10. I wouldn't think too much of it, I get that all the time.

11. Thanks, I wish I could say the same for you.
12. Good for you bro.
13. Okay, bye.
14. Good of you dear!

If you've ever responded to "I love you" with something unexpected or awkward that is not on the list above, please let us know by commenting with it in the comment box below. It could be in a sarcastic way or more decent way. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. The weirdiest reply I ever got was "K"
